Presentations and Publications
A New Parallelizable Approach to Hybrid Systems Verification
NSF Fellowship Application Materials
November 2010
· Was selected as a Finalist, but had to decline as I decided to no longer pursue a PhD.
Personal Statement Previous Research Research Proposal
Design of a Radiation Tolerant Computing System Based on a Many-Core FPGA Architecture
Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD) Conference in Greenbelt, MD (NASA Goddard)
September 2009
· Oral presentation given by senior design project advisor Brock LaMeres covering the work done by our senior design team.
We implemented 64 redundant PicoBlaze processors on a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA.
Deformable SU-8 Membrane Mirrors for Rapid Focus Control
National Conference on Undergraduate Research in La Crosse, WI
April 2009
· Oral presentation describing the research done for Dr. Dickensheets and the Undergraduate Scholar’s Program.
Polymer Deformable Membrane Mirrors for Focus Control Using SU-8 2002
OpTec Conference in Bozeman, MT
August 2008
· Poster presentation of preliminary work for Dr. Dickensheets in OMEMS.
Polymer Deformable Membrane Mirrors for Focus Control Using SU-8 2002
IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics Conference in Freiburg, Germany
August 2008
· Poster presentation, same poster as used in OpTec Conference.
A New Web Archive for TNF Workshop Data
Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames (TNF) Workshop in Heidelberg, Germany
August 2006
· Work done as an intern at Sandia National Labs presented by mentor Rob Barlow to obtain further support/funding